


1 Comment

Wow. That's a lot of members! Cool! What if we showed this to 5thcell after we've gotten more members? They would have to make a new game! 
Wow! I have gotten lots of members! Thank you!
I forgot my password to edit my website!!! All is fixed now! We have a new member!
On the homepage I added a newsletter signup! Just sign up to get the latest updates on the site!
New page added! Move the mouse cursor over "More"  then a little menu will appear! Then Click "fan Fiction'. There is a new story posted by me on there!
The votes have been counted!!! go here to vote for next month and to see the winners!!! Raposa: http://dtlfans.weebly.com/rapo-of-the-month.html     Bad Guy: http://dtlfans.weebly.com/enemy-of-the-month.html 




Please help stop SOPA, if it passes it will shut down websites with  copyrighted information, (c). https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/ <-Google petition. Please stop SOPA, if it passes THIS website might be shut down.  
I added new pages and now you can vote for rapo and enemy of the month!
Wapo! read the title! 
I will be adding a new page soon! while you wait look at yhis link! ( http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/213/7/a/calm_down__by_tati7899wolf-d42cg3t.jpg
